
20 Beautiful Antecedent River


Antecedent River is antecedent riverThe term coined by J W Powell 1875 to denote an established river drainage system able to maintain its original course by downcutting at the same rate as the surrounding land surface is uplifted and folded by earth movements Antecedent River is the difference between an antecedent In antecedent drainage a part of a river slope and the surrounding area uplifts but the river maintains its original slope This is done by the process of cutting through the uplifted portion by river which results into deep and narrow valleys

thesciencedictionary antecedent drainageANTECEDENT DRAINAGE Antecedent drainage is shown by a river that has maintained its original course even after the land has folded or been uplifted Antecedent River to view on Bing1 35Jun 29 2017 Helpful for competitive exams G22 Fluvial Erosional Landforms upsc ias Downcutting Lateral Erosion Meander Terraces etc Duration 15 16 PMF IAS 26 557 viewsAuthor Sujeet SinghViews 6 8K yakima The Yakima River s passage through the ridges of the Yakima Fold belt is a classic antecedent river That is the river was there before the ridges formed The meandering nature of the ancestral river is preserved where the river is entrenched and deeply incised through the ridge areas

chestofbooks science geology Intro Antecedent Rivers htmlThe Snake River a tributary of the Columbia has cut a canon 6000 feet deep through lava and granite through a slowly rising upwarp Several rivers in the Alps and Himalayas which rise in the inner part of the ranges and cut their way out through deep chasms are believed to be antecedent Antecedent River yakima The Yakima River s passage through the ridges of the Yakima Fold belt is a classic antecedent river That is the river was there before the ridges formed The meandering nature of the ancestral river is preserved where the river is entrenched and deeply incised through the ridge areas to view on Bing0 22Aug 28 2011 Before the river there was the muddy trickling creek We are slowly terraforming our way to Babylon once again Author PulseClockPhantomViews 1 6K

Antecedent River Gallery

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