
17 Luxury Serous Drainage Color

wound care 16 638

Serous Drainage Color drainage 5196566 htmlThe amount of such drainage may indicate to health care providers that active bleeding is continuing in the wound or under the incision site Purulent or pus drainage Purulent drainage may be yellow green or light brown in color with a characteristic smell of pus Serous Drainage Color exudate typesSerous drainage is clear thin watery plasma It s normal during the inflammatory stage of wound healing and smaller amounts is considered normal wound drainage However a moderate to heavy amount may indicate a high bioburden Sanguinous exudate is fresh bleeding seen in deep partial thickness and full thickness wounds

breckinridgenursing UncategorizedSerous Drainage Serous drainage is common and in most cases is a good indicator of the wound healing properly This type of drainage typically happens around the area of the cut where protein along with other tissue fluids builds up The drainage is usually clear in Serous Drainage Color livestrong Skin Conditions Other Skin ConditionsSerous Serous wound drainage looks clear or straw colored This serous material arises from protein and fluid in the tissue At times serous material will leak through swollen skin when a person suffers a critical illness The serous drainage supports the healing process and contains protein electrolytes sugar white cells and some microorganisms Founded Jun 17 2008

urgentcarefl types of wound drainage and how to tell when Drainage varies in color texture and severity The type and amount of drainage are key indicators of wound severity as well as if your wound is infected or in the healing process Wound drainage may be caused by surgery injury or anything that results in an open wound Serous Drainage Color

Serous Drainage Color Gallery

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